Monday, February 21, 2011

Baptist Birthday Club 1950

As I was rummaging around through my 94-year-old mother’s boxes of paper stuff from years ago, I found a 1950 yearbook of the “Double Octet Anniversary Club.” My mother was secretary of the Baptist Birthday Club during the early 1990s, and someone sent this 1950 yearbook to them.

Some of the Club’s “By Laws” are rules we all might consider following:

1. That we elect our members by secret ballot, and it must be unanimous.

2. The members are to be Baptist.  

3. That we either elect new members or change the name of the club.

4. That we always bring some change to do our part on any expense we might have. Be prepared to pay our part on the meal or to help with flowers or any other expense of the club.

5. That during these high prices, the ones helping on the meat pay sixty cents.

6. The club meet at the time most convenient for the hostess. Noon meal or evening meal. Any day of the week.

7. That club members be considerate of the hostess and not plan to attend other things soon after the meal. Also the hostess notify members four days ahead, if possible.

8. That the hostess may invite as many guests a she likes if she herself prepares the extra dishes needed for the meal.

9. That we have a social hour after the business meeting with some planned entertainment.

10. That the dishes be left alone during the club meeting and each one take her dish home dirty.

11. When we receive a new member the Secretary read the By Laws.

12. That we give a birthday gift each time, and every one contribute ten cents.

13. That the Secretary or reporter not report the resignation of members.

I believe they tried to be considerate and respectful of each person’s feelings, a thing that is missing in many settings today.  I like the rule about contributing sixty cents for meat; would that meat cost so little now! 

But especially appealing is the idea of leaving dirty dishes alone.  

*I borrowed the picture from   

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