Thursday, August 31, 2006

Religion and Russian Schools

This WorldWide Religious News article proclaims that religion enters Russian schools. It says religion will become a required subject in some schools and an elective one in others.

The BBC News writer says "Supporters say the move will help protect traditional spiritual values in Russia. Critics say it violates the constitution of the secular state.

In the Soviet Union the teaching of religion was strictly outlawed in schools and elsewhere.

Orthodox Christianity is Russia's main religion, but the country's Muslim community makes up more than 10% of the total population. There are 86 regions and republics in the Russian Federation.

Responding to the regions' move, the central educational watchdog body, Rosobraznadzor, said the Church was separate from the state, so the basics of Orthodox Christianity should only be taught as an optional subject. "

I believe all this arguing and sparring that we do over religion is an extreme distraction from the things we are called to concentrate on--loving God more than anything and our neighbors as much as we love ourselves; caring for the sick, poor, and hungry; taking good care of the earth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your blog. Regina Krieg

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